What is the fastest way to open the LibreOffice Basic window?

Are there any shortcuts for opening the LibreOffice Basic window? Currently it takes me 8 clicks to get to any code. In MS Excel I click on the developer tab and then visual basic and I’m in. Is there something similar in LO? Or at least something faster than my 8 clicks?

You can add a button to a toolbar or assign a short cut to the command using Tools > Customize. The command itself is “Edit Macros” in the category “Application”. The command has no default icon. You can assign an own icon or rename it to a shorter text, e.g. IDE, in the drop-down list “Modify” in that dialog.

I have generated a special toolbar for Basic. It contains the command “Edit Macros” (renamed “IDE”), the command “LibreOffice Basic” (renamed “Run”), and the command “LibreOffice Basic Macro Organizer” (renamed “Organize”). The two latter commands are in category “BASIC”.