Opening large .dot file

What is the maximum size of a .dot file to be opende with libre office writer?
(Win 8,1 - 8 MB Ram).

I do have a Word-file of 41 MB, and it’s impossible to open it. Libre Office WEriter freezes everytime.

Is there a solution?

Where i wrote .dot I mentto wrtie .doc, a word-document

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I doubt there is a limit (other than available RAM) for opening a non-native format file. There are however unsupported features and probably limits in complexity in the LO implementation of the Microsoft Binary file formats (DOC, XLS, PPT). Whether a large file of this type will open likely depends more on the degree of complexity in the file and the extent of features used.

The maker of the file is opening it without any problem with Word 97 under Windows 7.

I’m unable to open it om my Windows 8.1 system with 8 mB RAM.
Did try it with Open Office, Libre Office, and Word 2000.
A conversion to PDF did not succeed as well.

Every time nothing is happening, except that the software is freezing ("…is not reacting").

The maker did send me a PDF-version, so the problem is (vitrually) solved.