Word count of Text Body, excluding headings, captions & tables etc

Most work done for University have a word limit which excludes the heading, captions, tables and other formatting s. On large documents such as a Thesis these extra words can add up to quite a significant amount.

Is there a way of only showing a word count for the Text Body only?


Is there a way of selecting all text with the Text Body paragraph style? So I could use word count on the current selection.

Do you mean Find&Replace - More Options - Search for Styles (on) - Search for (Text body) - Find All?

Most universities have a much simpler word count requirement. Only the body of the work is counted, exclusive of forepapers and endpapers. Using styles to count words would be a nightmare for any properly styled thesis as it can contain literature quotations, co-researcher content, etc.

Unfortunately at my University titles, headings,citations, references, tables, captions as well as forepapers and endpapers are not included in the word count limit.

Thanks JohnSUN!!

So to get a word count for just the Text Body paragraph style.

Open Word Count… ToolsWord Count & move it to the side…

Find & ReplaceMore OptionsTick ‘Search for Styles’Search For ‘Text Body’Find All

Then the word count is displayed the word count window under ‘Current selection’.