Site: Why is openID redirecting to Ubuntu One?

I used to post here not a month ago, using my openID (via Launchpad).
If I try to log in again now, I am simply redirected to a login page for Ubuntu One.

=> Does this have anything to do with AskLibO, or should Launchpad be doing something funny (which it has at least not announced anything in that direction.

The only way for me to log in now is to recover my account … not comfortable.

Hi Zach,

It sounds like Launchpad was rebranded as Ubuntu One. Here’s some more info:

Ubuntu - unfortunately - known for passing information on to Amazon, will now get a new chance to report on who is logging into AskLibO…

As there are more than Ubuntu users the question, “Can this be used as an AskLibO loggin alternative also by non-Ubuntu users?” pops up.

The answer could be very interesting for all non-Ubuntu users.

Dont mix up things: OpenID logins have nothing to do with unity scopes. Also the beauty of OpenID is that you can use whatever OpenID provider you want, e.g. also google and many others. If you can trust those more than Canonical is left as an exercise for the reader. Ultimately, if you really care about this part of your privacy, you can use one of the existing independant OpenID providers or set up your own.

@Sweetshark - I based my interpretation of the Ubuntu loggin on question on the fact that I received a while ago a notification from OpenID that they will stop operation. I forgot the date when. Thus they close soon or closed already. Very unfortunately. But should you have information that OpenID continues - by whatever the reason is - I would be VERY happy. Thus I am looking forward very much to your reply.