How to change the default CTL fonts

I can not change my basic CTL fonts to my desired ones. The fonts keep going back to the previous ones everytime I open my Libre Writer. How to solve this problem. I’m using Libre v. 4.3 on Windows 8. Thanks a lot.

Where did you make your changes?

I would do it here:
Tools > options > languages > default languages for documents > complex text layout (CTL) and select here the language you need

Next Writer:
Tools > options > Libre Office Writer > Basic Fonts (CTL) and select here the fonts you want to use.

@Ghazi - Then I would try to renew the user profile. This can sometimes cause strange behaviours For detail please see here:

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Thanks for your suggestions, but the problem is the previous fonts keep coming back everytime I open my LWriter. I’ve used the method you suggest, as if the program’s function to save a new choice doesn’t work well.