[FEATURE REQUEST] Add option to impress to export to PDF with video attached

There have been a couple threads I have found while googling to get this working on my presentation. See here; Export video presentations to pdf - #2 by secme

and here; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11071164/libreoffice-presenter-export-pdf-with-video/11443211#11443211

I think this would be a very valuable feature to allow people such as professors etc to export their presentation to a single file format that a lecture hall pc can support.

Hi @secme, Please file an enhancement bug and provide as much information as possible. The QA team will be happy to help you triage your feature request in the bugtracker. Thanks!

(answer for resolution)

Please file an enhancement bug and provide as much information as possible. Don’t forget to mark your bug as an ‘enhancement’. The QA team will be happy to help you triage your feature request in the bugtracker.

Please post a link to any bugs you file in a comment below using the format “fdo#123456”.
