I cannot open a saved LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet. I get a request to select a filter, but this is a LibreOffice spreadsheet. Please advise

Cannot open saved spreadsheet

The spreadsheet can only be opened as a read-only document, since it has been unintentionally locked, I don’t know how to avoid this.

LibreOffice does not understand your file as a spreadsheet anymore. Perhaps the file got corrupted or misprocessed by another program.

Check the size of the file and see if it makes sense. If the spreadsheet is an ODF file (.ods), try to unzip it: copy myfile.ods to myfile.zip and try to unzip it. If it succeed, your file is less likely to have been corrupted.

If it is not an *.ods file, try excel to see if it opens.

I have the same problem, following step 1 I can open it as a zip, what do I do next?