Can you use Calc for viewing and editing Base data?

Is there a way to link LibreOffice Calc sheets with LibreOffice Base databases? I would like to use Calc for displaying and editing the tables in Base so I can use fancy formatting, graphs, etc. Real-time synching of changes to Base would be great but I can live with an “update” button.

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Do you have already a database engine, which you would like to use, e.g. MySQL? If not, what features do you need in your database? Do you have knowledge in macros? I can imagine some different ways to link Calc and Base.

I’m still learning databases so I don’t have one yet. Can’t I simply use Base to create one? I haven’t used macros before but I don’t think it’s too hard to learn them.

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Please get “Base Handbook 4.0 (database)” from

Some ways to link Calc and Base:

  • Hold the data in a Calc file and edit it there. Generate the .odb file from ‘Connect to an existing database’ type Spreadsheet. You need the .odb file for example for mail merge and queries.
  • Create a new database with the embedded HSQLDB. Define the table in Base, drag-drop it to Calc or insert them from data source browser(F4). You get a linked data range “Import”. Edit the data in Base and refresh the linked range in Calc.
  • Create a new database with the embedded HSQLDB. Define the tables in Base. Create a spreadsheet as external form for the embedded database to show and update the database. You can do calculations on this form and add charts, the linking is done via form control elements.
  • Create your data in Calc and save it as dBASE file. Generate the .odb file from "Connect to an existing database’ type dBASE. You can edit the data in Base and in Calc as well. Calculations and charts have to be done in a separate file, which can get its data via link.

Could you explain step by step the third method?
I’m lost at this point

Create a spreadsheet as external form for the embedded database to show and update the database. You can do calculations on this form and add charts, the linking is done via form control elements.

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