What is the point of Ctrl-A Select All in Calc?

I find it very helpful that Ctrl-End takes you to the bottom right corner of your worksheet.

I find it incredibly problematic that there is no way to select all down to the bottom of the defined region (i.e. down to the row that you’d be at using Ctrl-End) or across likewise.

I honestly do not understand why the job of selecting every cell in the spreadsheet, that is all 1.07 billion cells, has been made trivially easy, while moving around the boundaries of your defined sheet is near impossible. Of course if you accidentally do anything with those billion cells your computer is likely to crash anyway because of the ridiculous load.

There is an edge case that somebody needs to select a billion cells, I’m sure, but it’s a big UX fail for the far more common everyday use cases. If you need to do some global formatting, that’s what Styles are for.

Am I missing some magic shortcut keys? Is there a re-mapping I can do to make this useful?

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As you said in your question, Ctrl+End takes you to the last used cell in the sheet.

If you press Shift at the same time (Ctrl+Shift+End) you select all the cells between your current position and the last used cell in the sheet.

