Using JDBC connection, I am unable to see FrontBase tables. Views and queries are visible.

I have a FrontBase database that I connect to from LibreOffice Base. I appear to be unable to see tables I created in FrontBase db manager, FrontBaseManager. I also appear to be unable to see tables created from inside of Base using Tools → SQL.

I have confirmed that the tables actually exist in FrontBaseManager, but they just won’t show up in Base.

When I run a SELECT statement with these invisible tables, I get a valid result, which is another confirmation that the tables are there.

I’m connecting to FrontBase using JDBC and the JDBC .jar file I downloaded from the FrontBase website.

I am using Ubuntu 14.10 64bit, and OpenJDK 7:

java version “1.7.0_65” OpenJDK

Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.2)

(7u65-2.5.2-4) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server
VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode)

I found a maybe related topic: I am unable to see Maria Database tables created outside of LibreOffice Base
But that concerns MySQL, not FrontBase. I tried various versions of Java (6-7-8, Open/Oracle) but none of them did the trick for me.

I found yet another related issue, Tables per ODBC not showing up (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum, about yet another different kind of database, which hints to a driver that does not support the SHOW statement (verified: SHOW TABLES; gives me Syntax error 180. Illegal Direct SQL statement.)

I take it that you have a licence key ?

From the Frontbase website download :

IMPORTANT! FrontBase™ requires a valid license string to run in the non-expiring mode. If FrontBase is used without a license string, databases will become inaccessible, but not destroyed, two months after they were created. Visit the FrontBase Store to generate a free license. The free licenses are labelled E-Enterprise w. LookSee, which simply means that all features are enabled.