The installation of LibreOffice 4.3.4 for Windows wants my old msi

Trying to install LibreOffice 4.3.4 for Windows, but it keeps asking for LibreOffice_4.3.2_Win_x86.msi (my old version I have removed the old msi. Do I have to keep old distributions for some reason?

You don’t need to uninstall an old version of LibO before you install a new version.

A normal “uninstall” does not delete the application data. I recommend to look in your Application Data folder for the LibreOffice folder and rename it.

Next install the new version. Make sure you have really downloaded the new version!

After installation, open LibO. It should open normally.

If it runs normally shut it down and move your old LibreOffice application data back. Do this one folder after the other and check in between if LibO behaves normal. By doing so you can re-use your old customization, etc.