exlude (sub) chapters from table of contents

It is possible to check “evaluate to level” but is it possible to exclude chapters or subchapters starting from / of a specific chapter.
Say I have chapter 1 and 2 each with 4 subchapters and also a 3rd chapter with 25 subchapters. Now in my ToC I want to exclude those 25 subchapters.
Is there a solution rather than edit the ToC manually?

I made tests in LibO and could not find a way to suppressed sub chapter (= headings with a longer numbers) individually in each main chapter. All displayed sub-chapter follow the limit given in the TOC settings tab: Index/Table > Evaluate up to level.

The only way is to unprotect the table of contents (TOC), edit your delete the chapter which you don’t want to show. However be careful if you update your TOC all deleted chapters appear again. Thus you can do it only at the very end.

I look in Styles & Formatting - Pargraph Styles but cannot change the entries displayed under certain heading levels. Could you possibly give me in detail your starting steps. I hope I can continue from there.

It was not clear from the original question that outline numbering was being used. If it is then omission of headings from the ToC via custom paragraph styles is not possible (as outline numbering does not allow multiple paragraph styles per level) and my answer is not applicable.

Set the headings to be excluded from the ToC in a custom paragraph style (based on the heading style of the same level which is to be included). Then edit the ToC to manual specify the paragraph styles to include:

  1. Under the Create from section rather than the default Outline option select the Additional styles option.
  2. Click the ellipsis button.
  3. Select the individual paragraph styles required to be included.

@oweng - I understand your answer the way that adjustments can only made on the “level” of headings being displayed in the TOC, and it is the same for all headings. If my understanding is wrong, how can you have under heading 1 e.g. 3 levels of sub headings and under heading 2 e.g. only 1 level of sub-headings displayed in the TOC also heading 1 and 2 have e.g more than 3 levels of sub-headings? — Where is this Automatic option you mentioned?

Sorry, not Automatic (bad memory) it was by de-selecting the Create from section > Outline option and selecting the Additional styles option. This allows selection of the paragraph style to be included in the ToC. By creating a custom paragraph style for those headings to be excluded, this new style can remain un-selected.

@oweng - Thanks for coming back to this topic. But I am a bit lost. See EDIT1 in my answer to have more space to write.