consecutive numbering of rows in tables

I use tables a lot. If I select, say, the left-most column and click on the numbering icon, I get the same number (1., 1., 1. …) in each cell of the LH column. I believe that there is a simple way to make the numbers sequential (1., 2., 3. …) but I don’t know how to do it.

The cell contents of a text table are concluded by a ‘End Of Paragraph’. But as any single cell may contain more than one paragraphs, consecutive cells do not form consecutive paragraphs. Therefore you cannot number them the way you tried (which would work inside a single cell). Numbering as you intend it can be achieved by calculating formulae entered into the cells of a dedicated range. You then cannot place additional content in these cells. If this is what you want, confirm, please.

Thank you. Just what I needed.

Enter 1 in your first cell > Enter > Select the cell (it shows a black frame and a black square at the right bottom corner) > click on the black square and hold left mouse button pressed > pull horizontally of vertically and each cell increases the value by 1.

Thanks. That’s what I needed to know.