How endow multiple csv files with spreadsheet template + conditional formatting

I have a directory of csvs. I want to give them the same template. Primary requirement is a category column, which must be given a different background colour for each of a different range of possible values.

I followed these steps:
. created template
. created a conditional formatting for each of the 10 possible categories
. opened csv, copied all contents, pasted into template (as so instructed by openoffice help pages)

I expected that this would insert the csv values into the pre-formatted spreadsheet, giving me a list of categories with background colours derived from their values.

But this didn’t happen. Instead, it copied plain-formatted cell data into the template, effectively erasing the conditional formatting.

How do I quickly and easily transform my csvs into formatted ods spreadsheets?

Being possible link to a csv file like any other spreadsheet.
Open the formatted spreadsheet.
Open the CSV file.
with both visible, go to the first cell in the formatted file for link data.
Enter = and with the mouse click on the cell in CSV file, Enter to finish.
Copy the formula with the link where you need, or do it with an array link covering the whole range.
Update in Menu/Edit/Link - update.