How do i install LibreOffice

i have abrand new windows 8.1 computer & when i try 2 install it says its a .msi file & which app do I want 2 open it. iv no idea, i just assumed it would open & install automatically, please help thanks

This is the installation guideline for Windows:

Make sure you downloaded your msi-file from

If you still have problems, please report in detail what you did and what the result of each step was.

“msi” is the standard extension for “MicroSoft Installer” and should, of course, be properly recognised by MicroSoft systems.

First make sure that file extensions are correctly shown. There may be idiotic default settings hiding “known extensions” in the file manager.

We had some issues recently again where the InternetExplorer (also MicroSoft!) refused downloading an msi file from not MS-certified source without appending a misleading extension, mostly “man”. Abolishing the mimicry will do in this case.

Your problem is more likely to spring from a wrong or missing file association in Windows itself. Try to right-click your Libre…msi file and choose ‘Open with…’. You may get offered the ‘Windows (R) installer’ which is the means of choice. If it is not offered on the first level you should find it choosing the ‘Choose program’ option. The executable you need should be “C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe”.

I also had same problem.
If you save the downloaded file to your desktop.
Right click on the file and select rename and change the file extension from “.man” (or what ever it is) to “.msi”.
Then clicked on the file and the installer should then install program.