To put numbers in columns into a string

I have many colums like

A   B   C   D  ... 
1	20	50	10 ...
2	20	20	10 ...
3	60	10	80 ...
4	40	30	30 ...
5	40	50	40 ...

I would like to get

20 20 60 40 40 50 20 10 30 50 10 10 80 30 40  

in a string.


=CONCATENATE(B2:B6,C2:C6; D2:D6; ...)

How can you get a such a long string from many columns?

As it seems that you have many and long columns it might be the best to consider a macro. You can download have a look at the free guides here:


Take the Extension out of this Thread

Install it.

and enter Formula: =PYJOIN(TRANSPOSE(B2:E6);" ")

@karolus - Knowing more is of advantage!!! Great!

Great extension! However, I would like to find a native way to do thing. Do you have any idea? It is just simple Mathematics.

No, its String-concatanation - no maths!

If you would like to find a native way ?? … so search for it!