How to install LibreOffice to Ubuntu?

I have LibreOffice 4.2.x.x running in my Ubuntu. I don’t know how to install it from the outside of Ubuntu (how to open the package and with what files etc) but I cannot upgrade it from inside of Ubuntu either. Please help. I am lost with the Linux techinical terms too. Please help.

Some questions:

  1. Do you know how to download files with your web browser?
  2. Do you know where the files go when you download them?
  3. Do you know what the Terminal program is?
  4. Can you follow directions?
  5. Are you too timid to follow directions that mean pasting commands into a Terminal window?
  1. Go here
  2. Go to the bottom of the page and choose Linux x64 (deb) or Linux x86 (deb) according to your distibution.
  3. save and unpack it
  4. open Terminal and do :~$ cd /path/to/libreoffice/DEBS
  5. :~$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
  6. Use it :slight_smile: