How do I put my TOC in a separate HTML frame?

I’m writing a document that I want to display using a browser. I want it to use a frameset where the TOC is in one frame and the document body in another frame.

I can’t say I have ever worked with framesets in Word, but I think what you need to do is to put an { RD } field in the frame that contains the ToC, immediately before the ToC.

e.g. if you have a 2-frame document with the ToC in the left-hand frame, you will have 3 .docx files on disk (assuming you are saving as .docx) - let’s say they are in c:\frames\ and are…

Check tutorials like Example 2-column frameset | example - if this is what you want so write your text file, generate a ToC and while generating the ToC points to your headings (hyperlinks are shown when your mouse is moving over it: “Ctrl-Click to follow link…”). Export as an HTML file.

In a second step you have to split your HTML file into two parts (files); they are the contents of the 2 frames. In a further step you have to define the target tag, so that the ToC HTML file points to the second frame/HTML file…

This maybe too shortly explained for you but you can learn by lots of hints while searching on the internet.

You also could export your textfile into a PDF file; if you check the right options you can get a similar structure (TOC left hand side = bookmarks; main content right hand side; connected by automatically generated links). You only have to export the entire document for once and don’t need any manually additioned frames etc.