There is an error filing a bug report

After filling out a bug report and clicking on submit, I get this to start below and more pages of it.

Could not match /Bug ([0-9]+)/i on the string returned by the server Log in to Bugzilla <!-- YAHOO.namespace(‘bugzilla’); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener = function (el, sType, fn, obj, overrideContext) { if ( (“onpagehide” in window || && sType === “unload”) { sType = “pagehide”; }; var capture = ((sType == “focusin” || sType == “focusout”) && ! ? true : false; return this._addListener(el,

That is an error with the bug tracker web application. It is a temporary issue. Wait a day and try again.

It would seem they have waited many days - did you notice that you are replying to a question that is nearly old enough to vote?

Yes I did notice the age of the post, before posting an answer. I gave the question an answer to provide a hint to anyone else that has a similar issue. If we go by Murphy’s Law, it is a definitive certainty that the issue tracker will fail, time and time again, during the course of it’s existence.