Defaut on Border set to Outside border without changing inside borders

In Libre Calc…I tried to insert borders…on the page it shows the border but when I go to page preview or print the border are not there. I tried to highlight the cells then go to /format/cells/borders/ line arrangement to (borders and all inner lines). this does not work. I noticed that when I go to /format/cells/borders/ line arrangement… the square with (set outer borders without changing the inner lines) box… the cross in the middle is colored Blue . I can click on the square next to it …(set outer borders and all inner lines) and the User-defined line box shows the border on the outside and inside…but when I go to Page preview or try to print No Borders

It sounds like you’re trying to print ALL the grid lines. If so, just go to Format → Page… and click the last tab, “Sheet”, and then in the “Print” panel check the “Grid” box. Your page preview should then have borders showing.