Select records in Base for mail-merge

Selecting records in Base for mail-merge in Writer

I manage a database with approaching a thousand records of members of a voluntary campaign organisation. I want to write to selected members. I can set up a ‘view’ to select members. However, the mail-merge still outputs to all.

I guess I could perform a sort and manually (by inspection) find the last record that applies, then mail-merge in Writer from record 1 to that record.

However, the sort will sometimes be complex (eg a combination of has the member paid in last 2 years, or made a donation, or is a ‘free concession’ etc). Also, the relevant data could be in widely separated table columns. These things mean a manual inspection to find the right record could be hard to do, especially with a thousand records. It would always be open to error.

Am I missing something? Is there a way to do this nicely?

Many thanks for advice.


For Base & Writer, LibO, Windows 7.

Have you tried ToolsMail Merge Wizard, 3d screen titled Insert Address Block, Select Different Address ListChange Table and then verify that the specific table in the data source really is the one you want?

Hi Doug, thanks v much, that turned out to be part of the answer. One problem was my lack of understanding of how Base works, although a pretty good understanding of how databases in general work. The fundamental problem is the total lack of documentation about this in relation to mail-merge, where the selection of data needs to be transmitted to Writer. It’s telling that no-one else has answered in the last day and a half! Anyway, I’ve put a more detailed answer to my own question. Bw, Bob

The other LO components get more traffic than base, thus more, dev, documentation, support. View noted in your question is term of art in databases, meaning a table-like query. Had assumed that was available to merge.

My own answer…

  • Open database.
  • Create a query using ‘Create Query in Design View’.
  • Drag in all the fields you want to use in the mail-merge document.
  • Add the criteria on one or more fields (note that criteria are case-sensitive; see LO wiki for help). Criteria on other fields left blank.
  • Check the query works (F5 key). Save the query.
  • Now use the query as the source of fields for the mail-merge document (use ‘Insert Fields | More Fields’).
  • Finally, do the mail-merge using ‘Tools | Wizard’ (tell the wizard in its 3rd section to use the query rather than the main database by ‘Select Address List | Change Table’).

Bob H