Need formula for the columns left.


I am working on a project where I mark their marks & graph it accordingly with the requirements.
It’s above average if the specified requirement is met.

  1. average of Oct in Batch-3.
  2. average of Oct in Batch-3 who are Live.
  3. average of Oct in Batch-3 who are Left.

Based on marks they are placed in different ranges e.g.

  • 60 – 60-70
  • 45 – <50
  • 120 – >100 and so on.

Count of all who are >100, 90-100, 80-90, 70-80, 60-70, 50-60, <50, …

Could there be any formula to simplify this process?

Could you possibly explain where in the spreadsheet you have which data and what you want to calculate where in the spreadsheet?

If possible please attach a sample spreadsheet with a content, which is not confidential.

You have now enough karma…

Would something like this help?
=COUNTIF(a1:a100,"<=10") for between 0 and 10 let say
=COUNTIFS(a1:a100,">10",a1:a100,"<=20") For between 11 and 20. Obviously ranges and criteria can change.