How do I copy a cell without CR and LF being appended to end?

When I click on a Calc cell and hit ctrl-c (or cmd-c), it copies the contents of that cell to the clipboard as expected. BUT, it also appends two additional characters to the end of the copied contents: a carriage return (CR, ASCII dec. code 13) and a linefeed (LF, ASCII dec. code 10). Since I’ve been experiencing this for a while, and on both Windows and Mac platforms, I’m assuming this is by design. Is there a setting that would allow me to change this behavior so that it just includes the contents of the cell? (I know I can copy from the cell editing box and get just the contents but for my use that is too cumbersome a workaround.) Also, why does it add these?

Try the following sequence of keys:

  1. If the cell contains a value - F2->Ctrl+Home->Ctrl+C (or cmd-c)->Esc

  2. If the cell contains a formula - F2->F9->Enter->Ctrl+C (or cmd-c)->Esc

Yes, it will require extra keypresseds. Simply press Backspace after insertion.

Perhaps your problem can solve simple macro that will delete all line breaks from the text in the clipboard

Best I’ve come up with on Windows (maybe Mac too) is triple-click to select all text then copy and paste. Not too bad but it’s tough when you’re used to Excel, or worse, switching between LibreOffice and Excel.

I have come across this issue too. Presumably somebody coded this ‘by design’ but if it was, I argue that this is actually a bug (by design) in LO Calc. The (text) contents of the cell does not include a CR LF, so why would that be appended to the text that you have copied?

Thanks @johnsun for your suggestion (Simply press Backspace after insertion). It seems the best workaround to me.

Your question isn’t an answer so should rather be a comment…

Anyway, pasting a copy of cell(s) to raw text creates TSV (Tab Separated Values), getting newlines appended, which for multiple rows makes much sense… for a single cell (which also is a single row) the same happens but maybe should not.