Write error on PDF opened by acroread - nuisance

Any time I try to perform PDF export on a PDF file already openend in Acroread on Windows 7, I am getting a write error (twice) due to access limitations, then a general I/O error. While this is basically OK, it still is a nuisance: all error messages require clicking OK, then I have to close the PDF in acroread (OK, I could have done it before…), then initiate the entire process again.

Suggestion: Would it not be nice if the procedure behaves like others in Win7: if such a condition occurs, a Window pops us, saying that we cannot write on the open file, then asking us to close the file and offer the possibility to repeat the write attempt?

I would love it if it behaved that way…

This is a place neither for bug reports nor feature requests. This is why I voted down your entry.
Feel free to post your message on Bugzilla.

Thank you massa. Please downvote other feature requests as well, so that I do not feel alone.