When will LibreOffice Writer have an insert page number function as easy as MS Word?

Inserting page numbers is far too complicated in LO Writer.

Insert, Fields, Page number. What’s complicated about that? What isn’t working as expected?

I qualified the question by referencing MS Word’s function. Writer inserts the page number on the first line of the document, not in the header as in Word. In Word, you can easily select whether or not to display the page number on the first page, etc., etc., etc.,

In Writer one has to go around his thumb to get to his elbow to insert a page number properly.

“Writer inserts the page number on the first line of the document”
To be fair, it inserts the number wherever you wish - header, footer, or any where else on the document…
its 100% your choice. If you want predefined positions and formats under the button, you can set them up as page and paragraph styles in your default template.

Yes, I understand that. My question still hasn’t been answered. As I said, it’s a major work, whereas in Word it’s a few clicks in a dropdown menu.

So back to my original question: Why can’t this be implemented in Writer?