Can only Edit Basic Macros

Using the Organise Macros all options to Edit etc. a Basic Macro are available.
With BeanShell, JavaScript, and Python the only option is to Run as all the other options are greyed out.
How can you create a new Python Macro in Organise Macros?

How can you create a new Python Macro in Organise Macros

With any Texteditor|Programming-IDE which works for you.
store your Scripts into path:

helper for organizing|embedding python

Probably this Discussion is also helpfull

Thanks’ @karolus. I guess the edit is only for LO Basic.
How then to attach Python Macro to an event as all options are greyed out?

If there is something valid Pythoncode in folder ../Scripts/python/...
you can attach this for Example via →Tools→Customize→Events→....

Any Python-function which should attached to some Event needs a signature like:

def some_pretty_function( some_event ):

because without Argument in Signature it will throw an Error-exception.

Thanks I can see it now,