Countif for letter in middle of text


I am working on an iMac and trying to count the number of 8 digit codes in a column that have a particular letter in the 6th spot with =countif(A1:A10,".C.") but it does not return the correct number.
I have also tried “.....C.." and "......C...” and ".

Any ideas



Where A is the searched letter.

You need to enable regular expressions in:
Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice Calc/Calculate - Enable regular expressions in formulas.

Take a look in the help Index tab for:
regular expressions
to learn how to use it.

Of course meaning the record “quotes-dot-star-A-dot-star-quotes”, but the stars are seen of site’s software as formatting signs and are lost. Keep in mind that the formula is not case sensitive - will be counted “A” and “a”

Added `` to the formula in the answer.