What is the difference between the releases 'windows' and 'window x86_64'?

I see two files for windows, one being tagged ‘windows’ and the other ‘windows x86_64’. Any guidance on when to use which one? My Windows version is x64, should I use the _64 release of LO?

It reflects the compiler switches used when converted from source-code to executable-code:

  • Windows: (intel-compatible 32-bit) this is the default
    (will execute on both 32-bit & 64-bit Windows using x86 cpu, but only with max 32-bit-wide instructions)
    (therefore 64-bit win has to run in compat mode)
  • x86_64: (intel-compatible 64-bit) this compiled with the 64-bit extensions enabled
    (it cannot be used on 32-bit cpu)
    (certain code that can take advantage of the 64-bit-wide code should run faster)

As your Windows is x64 then use the 64-bit LO release.

If this helps then please tick the answer (:heavy_check_mark:)

If I have instelled 32-bit LO on my 64-bit computer and 64-bit Windows, should I first uninstall 32-bit LO before instaling 64-bit LO or I can just upgrade?