Is there a command to select a word

Is there a command in Writer to select a word from with the keyboard and that I can use in a macro? I need a single command that will select an entire word if the cursor is inside the word or touching either the first or last charters.

LibreOffice Basic has “.uno:WordRightSel” and I was hoping something like “.uno:WordSel” exist too. “.uno:WordRightSel” " doesn’t do what I need because if the cursor is inside a word, it only selects from there to the end of the word.

Hi pschroeter

You are discovering the contortions that each coder has to go through to make it easy for us users to use their programs. You need to:

  1. Go to the beginning/end of the word that you have selected
  2. (from memory) Begin the selection sequence
  3. Go to the end/beginning of the selected word
  4. Copy to the Clipboard


If this helps then please tick the answer (:heavy_check_mark:)