How to sum column Price per Month?

Given an extract from a sheet for expenses from which I like to sum monthly totals per shop.
The Date is formatted as dd-mm-yyyy. The columns are A, B, C and D
Someone suggested using SUMIFS
My question is how to actually fill in the details, especially the month bit.
The shop part does work: =SUMIFS(D$5:D2000;B$5:B2000;“Poiesz”)

Date Shop Product Price
28-03-2015 Poiesz Tijger Tarwe half 0,84
28-03-2015 Qoiesz Achterham 2,31
01-04-2015 Poiesz Powerkornbroodje 0,29
01-04-2015 Qoiesz Licht Meergranen 2,08

Thanks for any help.l

Not sure about formulas, but I think a Pivot Table could be used to do what you want. Put the “Shop” column in the row section and “sum - price” in the data section.