How do you add chapter numbers and names to headers in Writer?

While in a book-length document, how do you put a header on each page that shows the correct chapter number and chapter name? I would like to go to the beginning of each chapter, then type in each chapter number and name into the header. Or, alternately, I would like to take a list consisting of chapter numbers and names.


header with chapter name and number

  • Insert header
  • click into header
  • insert fields / others / cross-reference there you can select what you want to insert.

Be careful, as long as you insert a field with no content behind it, it displays only a dot. Therefore I recommend to create first at least on chapter name etc

Go-to using chapter name and number should be possible via FIND. Please look into the help file about the plenty of possibilities to find something.
Should you not find what you need please file an enhancement request like a bug report and flag it as “enhancement”