Comments added on MS Word are marked as misspelled in LO although they're not, is this a bug?

I created a Microsoft Word 97-2003 file in LO Writer, sent it to my teacher…she added comments and sent it back (she used Word…I still don’t know which ver)

Replying to her comments results in her last name being marked as mispelled…(“Zabar”), which is…silly…display names shouldn’t be checked for spelling errors.

Opening “Spelling & Grammar” (F7) - the ‘misspelled’ comments do not appear there.

Is this worthy of a bug report? is it a bug?

Hi Alex!

First - thanks a lot for your help and attention! :slight_smile:

I think LO has a feature to not check-spell the user name in comments, because if I submit the comment “sdgf” as user name “sdgf” - the content of the comment will have red underlining but the name will not.

as for selecting the word and right clicking it - the context menu does hint that LO does not recognize the language to be English! because it gives an option to specify it as English

image description

But it doesn’t specify what language it recognizes it to be…

Is it a bug? I honestly do not know one way or the other. The fact that the only option is to set the language to en-US suggests that you only have one language installed, yet the comments are set to another… which sounds like a bug for sure. If you can create a small example of that doc which displays the problem (and which you can share) then I would certainly report it as a bug.

Hi arled

Replying to her comments results in her last name being marked as mispelled…(“Zabar”)

The system does not know that her name is spelled correctly, nor that it is not supposed to be checked. The easiest solution is to right-click & choose “Add to Database” & it will not appear again (else go through Tools→Autocorrect Options).

I’m not certain whether your Teacher’s comments being flagged like that are a bug or not. I suspect that the language of the Comments may be different from your standard spell-database. Here is how to discover current Comment language:-

  1. select a comment word
  1. (kbd):right-click→Set language for selection,


(kbd):right-click→Set language for paragraph

(current language has a bullet)

If the language is different to your ‘normal’ language then that explains why all the words are red-underlined (a different database in use to the correct one).

Report a bug here.

Well done for a very clear question.

If this helps then please tick the answer (:heavy_check_mark:)

…and/or show you like it with an uptick ()