Process LibreOfficeImporter using 100% CPU, wish to uninstall

As far as I can tell I have never installed LibreOffice (SPotlight and EasyFind both come up empty searching) but just now when my MacbookPro was overheating I ran Activity Monitor and LibreOfficeImporter was the problem. After searching for LibreOffice in vain I restarted and that solved the problem for now, though Activity Monitor still shows this process in its list, just not using and processing time.

How can I find and get rid of this?

Running OS 10.10.5, English, on 2011 MBP.

do you have installed Nisus ? Ie. when searching for “LibreOfficeImporter”, I find LibreOfficeImporter hanging - which proposes:

Unchecking “Load file Importers in the background after Nisus Writer Starts”, seems to resolve the issue; then LibreOfficeImporter CPU is 0.0% after wake up.

Hi gulfish

All of the modern LO Apps are shortcuts to the main binary. That binary is called “soffice” (with zero suffix, I believe; on Windows it is called “soffice.exe” & under Linux is called “soffice.bin”). “–help” will show a staggering range of options, whilst the following will identify whether it is LO or not (this example under Debian 6.0):

:~$ /opt/libreoffice5.0/program/soffice.bin --version
LibreOffice 437e4abdf9e72fd0a6e6f8697a0e659bc77f9b10

That should allow you to discover whether LO is actually the critter causing such disturbance within your system (and do not forget that Apple has it’s own version of LO (‘Vanilla’, I believe), which is actually nothing directly to do with the LO Apps).

Good luck.

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