countifs() + range in external files

Dear experienced users of Calc:

Error for all ***ifs() functions when used in combination of
***ifs() + ranges in external files.

Using countifs() as example for illustration.

Do ***if() and ***ifs() use the same code module for URL parsing?

I have not found a clue in past discussion.
Maybe I missed it.
I would appreciate advice of where my oversight is.


libreoffice, version
error: 504, error in parameter list.

  1. parameter separator: “,” or “;”, no effect on ***if(), same result.
  2. UTF-8 + space in sheet name: no effect on ***if(), same result.

MS Windows XP, service pack 2,

Please refer to the revised ODS files, A44:C47,
in the attachment at URL below.


  1. countifs() error in ODS, in LOO link syntax, range in external file.
  2. countifs() OK in ODS, in LOO link syntax, range anywhere in same file.
  3. countifs() OK in XLS, in MS link syntax, range in self or external file.

Using the same URL syntax, ***if() were OK, whereas ***ifs() failed.

  1. ***if() | ***ifs() | source
  2. OK | OK | self file
  3. OK | error | self file, but with file prefix
  4. OK | error | external file

examples (files):

  1. error, LibreOffice + tst analysis.ods + tst source.ods
  2. error, LibreOffice + tst analysis.ods + tst source.xls
  3. OK, MS Office + tst analysis.xls + tst source.xls

examples (URL):

  1. self file, OK: countifs( ‘表 data’.$B$5:$B$20, “>=5000” )
  2. self file, but with file prefix: countifs( ‘file:///b:/tst analysis.ods’#‘表 data’.$B$5:$B$20, “>=5000” )
  3. external file, error: countifs( ‘file:///b:/tst source.ods’#‘表 data’.$B$5:$B$20, “>=5000” )

example files: 2 ods, 2 xls,

Have you tried what Lupp propose in libreofficeforum?

Dear m.a.riosv:

Thanks for following up.

  1. removing UTF-8 and space

no effect, same results.
as expected, from programming perspective.

  1. original question

Do *if() and *ifs() use the same code module for URL parsing?

Please refer to “tst analysis.ods”, A44:C47.
The nature of code bug is self-evident.


It is quite a problem. Because of it I can not use libre calc and must use MS Excel :frowning: for years.