New user help or manual Libredraw 5

I’m new to LibreOffice and Iv just downloaded ver 5 and I expect to start learning the Draw sections soon, but I cant find any manual or an effective help (I use a mac and it keeps giving me the Mac help?)
I feel I must have missed something “basic” when downloading, any advice please?

Regards Jas.

You can download manuals from LibreOffice site . (Click on link).

Latest manuals are for 4.2-4.4 versions but they are still applicable, at least for initiation.

If this answer fits your expectation, don’t forget to click the check mark.

Thanks from Jason but it seems to me Ver 5 has some differences?


There are always differences from version to version. That’s signature for evolving software (for good or evil). I’ve tried to find out which for myself. From a very quick look-up, I got this document. Not very verbose about Draw.

You can obtain help by downloading the same-version help-file. LO Archive (all versions).