how to add a separator line to a multi column document?

i now realize i should have added a separator line to a blank multi column document but it’s too late. if i format page, LO thinks it’s 1 column rather than the 2 which it is. if i ask LO to change to 2 columns i end up with 4. i think that this is a bug, but i think i’ll try a work around AGAIN. strong text

It is always best to have the documnet causing problems at hand. (It can be simplified, and confidential content removed, of course.)

What you describe seems as if you did not define a page style with two columns for use in your document. Rather you inserted a section with columns into a page without columns. To edit the properties you have to go

‘Format’ > ‘Sections…’ > (Choose the relevant section from the list) > ‘Options’

You may also select your ‘Section’ from the ‘Navigator’ and then ‘Edit’ it.

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