Where can I find an earlier version of LibreOffice?

I want one that will open starWriter 5.0 .sdw files.

You will need LO-3.x.

The .sxw, .stw, + .sxg OO-1.x files can still be opened by all LO versions, but the .sdw, .sgl + .vor binary format file filters were removed at LO-4.x.

All LO versions can be downloaded here:

Index of /libreoffice/old

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Dumbest idea ever from TDF.

@rautamiekka, the old binary filters were removed due to prohibitive maintenance costs. The plan is to reimplement a filter for these (now ancient) formats that is easier to maintain (refer GSoC 2016 candidates).

@oweng, I doubt that. If it worked, leave it.

@rautamiekka, that was the problem though. It stopped working due to other changes. If you read the weekly Engineering Steering Committee (ESC) minutes from around that release you can get a clearer picture of why the decision was made.