How do I format cells in Calc to accept an english date format in Libre 5

I have just upgraded to Libre and all my dates in calc have reverted to US.
The format function in calc only offers American or number date options how do I get english date format.

I’m still running LO Calc Version:, but you should be able to

  1. Select Cells… from the Format menu.
  2. Click the Numbers tab. Scroll Category to the top and select User-defined.
  3. Make sure the correct language is selected.
  4. Enter the User-defined Format Code and click the OK button.
  5. Apply the User-defined Format to the desired cells.

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Both of you should upgrade to 5.1.0 Beta2 or at least 5.0.4 RC1 aka

How something imported or entered via the keyboard will be interpreted does not depend on the output format defined for the cell but, where dates come in sight, on the ‘Date acceptance patterns:’ applicable in the document (by default for the locale or set in the dialogue).

I presently also use and if I choose the English (UK) locale, dates are (unfortunately) recognised and by default displayed as well in DD/MM/YY format.

May you unwittingly have changed to the English (USA) locale?

Unsolicited: Always use 4-digit-year! Best use ISO8601 conformant format YYYY-MM-DD. It is the one specified for international use and never ambiguous. It is also the only date format (afaik) accepted by Calc independent of the locale.

Hi. do you know where I can check and change this setting ?

Sorry! I missed your comment (additional question) to date.
Language of User Interface (UI) and locale, date acceptance patterns, and some additional settings are editable via
> ‘Tools’ > ‘Options’ > ‘Language Settings’. At least the ISO8601 conforming YYYY-MM-DD pattern cannot be switched off (afaik), except by setting the fake ‘Numbers’ format ‘Text’ ("@") for the cells.
The format for displaying numerical values (dates and money amounts among them) is set the way @LKeithJordan describ