I would like to ask some‑thing, to de‑vs…
In auto‑cor‑rec‑ti‑ôn you can make modi‑fica‑ti‑ôn, but the modi‑fica‑ti‑ôn happën after hitt‑ing “space”, some‑time if the term is pollov‑ed / follow‑ed by “, . ! ?”, it is not värg‑ing…
But I would like to be able to make change in the term auto‑mati‑cal‑ly pro ex‑ample to use a long A : “Ā”, I would like to be able to ad‑d “AAA” auto‑cor‑rec‑ti‑ôn “Ā”, but in di‑rect‑ly in the in‑tra‑term, with‑out do‑ing “space”…
To do that, you just need to ad‑d a new func‑ti‑ôn with a box to check, in “auto‑cor‑rec‑ti‑ôn”, to say do that modi‑fica‑ti‑ôn di‑rect‑ly by typ‑ing in it “III = Ī” or “~I = Ĩ”, with‑out need to press “space”…
Be‑cause if I wanth to change AAA to Ā, now I have to do it to pro each terms like this KAAALLË /KĀLLË, RAAALLË / RĀLLË, so please ad‑d this func‑ti‑ôn of di‑rect change (by typ‑ing it) in the term…
Ʒood day.
Kanth you.