How do I get the worksheet name, into a cell

I am using Libre Office for Mac OS,

I am a recent convert to MAc from Windows. I am quite acomplished in Microsoft Excel and use many spreadsheets with VBA in them. I tried numbers but it doesnt support VBA which is why I have turned to Libre Office

I need to get a Cell (A1) to show the name of the worksheet

In Excel i used “=REPLACE(CELL(“filename”,A1),1,FIND(”]",CELL(“filename”,A1)),"")" but when i have copied the excel file to Libre office it is not


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the OP ask not for Sheetnumber



this works for me but i cant upvote because i dont have enough reputation. consider yourself upvoted, STACKEXCHANGE RULES.

This works initially but if I then rename the sheet/tab the cell does not update. Can it be done that this actively updates if you change the sheet/tab name?

Any help appreciated


Double click the cell▸Right clickInsert FieldsSheet Name

Use Ctrl+Shift+F9 to force a refresh after a name change
