Libre Calc lost formats?

Hello - I have a user whose Libre Calc is not working correctly? He had cells with formulas that were formatted for currency or dates. The ones that were currency were calculated totals from other currency cells. I verified that the cells that are supposed to be currency are [now] fornatted as simply numbers. The other cells still are [correctly] formatted as currency. He told me that everything was working correctly until about a week ago. I don’t know if it happened with the new year, but, regardless, it doesn’t make sense to me? There are too many cells to go back in and manually set to currency or dates; it would be too time-consuming. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could have happened? Thanks!


I have not seen mention of such bugs, which does not mean it does not exist…

If all cells were concerned we might think a file saved in another format than ods. It does not seem to be the case here.

Several reasons might cause this kind of problems, all related to a user action.

  • Accidentally hit shortcuts e.g. Ctrl+Shift+1 (alphanumeric keyboard)
  • Right clikClear Direct Formatting
  • Deleting a custom cell style (revert to parent style)
  • Conditional formatting removed or badly designed to accommodate reorganizations of the table (relative or absolute references)

If by chance you still have a backup including the right formats, you can copy and paste only the formats, which would avoid having to re-enter the data. Sorry, nothing better to offer…


Thanks - I believe I have eliminated the possibility of error by doing the copy-paste and cut-paste thing? In other words, I have a highlighted cell right next to one of the ones that has the “###” and if I do a copy-paste, OR a cut-paste of that cell to the one in question, the SAME THING happens! It’s like cell locations on the spreadsheet are pre-determined to be a problem!? WEIRD!!!