How to enlarge tool bar icons

the tool bar icons in Libre are too small to read. How can they be enlarged?

Using LibreOffice in Mint KDE there does not appear to be a way of enlarging the default toolbar icons which are very difficult to make out on a laptop high res monitor, however I stumbled upon a good workaround.
Select Tools > Options > View
User Interface Icon Size and Style Set to “Large” and “Galaxy”.
The Galaxy icons are not much larger but are more colourful and much easier to make out.

+1. i also like the Large Galaxy icons ( on Ubuntu )

You can change the icon view between small and large icons.

Choose Tools - Options - LibreOffice.
On the View tab page, select the Toolbar icon size.
Click OK.

in addition to the other answers, the user can also increase the Scaling in the same dialog window as described above ( Tools : Options : LibreOffice : View : Scaling ). There the user can set the overall scaling to a value larger than 100%.