Cannot open device or file when trying to install on windows 10, ideas?

after opening the installer and selecting ‘Typical’ then next next, I get a pop up saying ‘Cannot open device or file specified’. and cannot continue installation only cancel

If you are installing from a local file (eg on attached hdd) then you may have a hardware problem. Check for loose connections, etc. etc…

You may need to increase error logging to discover what device and/or file it was attempting to access when the error occurred. Once you know at what point the error occurs you may be able discover why it occurs & thus fix it.

User Access Control (UAC)

One possible source for your problems. You need to be logged in as an Administrator to be able to install & make system changes.

This is almost certainly a Windows issue rather than an LO issue.

This circumvention worked for me:

I copied the LibreOffice_5.3.4_Win_x64.msi install file from my d: drive to my c: drive and installed with no problem.