Page numbering from specific page number

Hello! I would like to be able to start page numbering from a specific number, as a title say. For example, I have a 4 page document, and I want the first page to be numbered with 17.

The reason for this is because I need to create separate pdf documents which I would then combine into one pdf document.

Thank you!

You will how to do this by using the Help, which you have with your LibO system or Chapter 4 of the LibO Writer Guide. For HELP see the entry for page numbers > inserting/defining/formatting. The writer’s guide has a section titled Restarting page numbering. The manuals are available at

The Writers Guide is extremely useful and I recommend you download it or the relevant chapters, which you can download for free. I prefer the paper version…Peter

Here is what the Help (F1) says (search for Page Numbers) ±

To Start With a Defined Page Number
Now you want some more control on page numbers. You are writing a text document that should start with page number 12.

  1. Click into the first paragraph of your document.
  2. Choose Format - Paragraph - Text flow.
  3. In the Breaks area, enable Insert. Enable With Page Style just to be able to set the new Page number. Click OK.

The new page number is an attribute of the first paragraph of the page.