Data/text entered in Calc cells goes invisible [SOLVED]

When I enter data or text into a cell in Calc, i can see it as it is being typed but as soon i hit ‘enter’ it disappears. The information is there (visible in the formula bar above) but it only appears in the cell if I hit “save”. If I change the row width, it appears, but if I change the row width for the whole document, this doesn’t solve the problem (i.e. it continues the next time I enter data/text into a new cell). I updated to LibreOffice 5 a few days ago. And I’m baffled.

I tried opening an entirely new document but no deal. Tried changing the default font, no deal. Help?

If you want to accept an answer, you can click on the checkmark next to its start. This will also cause a green checkmark to display next to the subject of the OQ when listed (for a query, e.g.). Closing a thread for the reason you had given, is a way to appeal against never ending discussions of little value while the problem was solved already…

It might be another rendering problem. If your version is V5.1.y you may try to switch off ‘Use OpenGL for all rendering’ via >> ‘Tools’ > ‘Options’ > ‘LibreOffice’ > ‘View’.
This should not apply to V5.0.y

Wow, thanks. It works now. Never would have figured that out. Thanks again.