Formula numbering - format

I just found out about the great way to enter a numbered formula - entering “fn” and pressing F3. However - is there a way to format the way these formulas are entered? I need to do two things:

  • I need to number the formula using {chapter}.{formula No.} format, i.e. (3.5)
  • the formula is centered horizontally - but I need it to be 2 centimeters from the left edge

How do I achieve this? Preferably for every formula in the document at once, but if not, I can also do it manually …

So, I figured out the answer to the first question: clicke (select) the number, right click it, select “Fields…”, then edit “Numbering by chapter”. Perfect.

Now, what about the other question? How do I format the position of the formula for all the formulas, so I won’t need to do it manually?