error al abrir documento docx creado con writer en word 2010

not a problem saving docx format, but when opened with Word 2010, because I do not count with printer, so I went to a cyber coffee and despite having created the formatted document 2007/2010, with libreoffice writer could not be opened in Word 2010

an apology because translators are very bad, I hope you can help me, thanks.

Why do not use a pdf file? I believe is better to print in the cyber and get a more accurate copy. Menu/File/Export as PDF,

See answer in other question error al abrir documetos con extension docx Save as .doc and try to open is Word 2010

(per @Timon) Dupe of: error al abrir documetos con extension docx

max, would you mind translate The title? You wrote it in Spanish.
Plus are you able to format the given doc, so it can be test it?