Impress - notes page not showing slide

I imported a presentation from powerpoint and added a few slides and images.

For some reason, the slides I added don’t appear in the nots page. The region where the slide is meant to appear is blank

Hi @Perdigao1, Did you find an answer to your problem? If not, please let us know so we may help you further. Thanks.

That would seem like an import bug. When using documents that come from Microsoft Office, try to request/use MS Office 2007 formats - in my experience those are best supported in LibreOffice.

If you can provide the following information so the problem can be reproduced by anyone, I would suggest filing a bug report:

  • Exact operating system
    (Windows/Mac/Gnu/Linux) and platform
    used to create the slides in
  • The document, or a part of it you can
    share (without confidential
  • The resulting imported document (in
  • Exact operating system
    (Windows/Mac/Gnu/Linux) and platform,
    and libreOffice version used when you
    had the problem

Once you have such details please consider writing a bug report about it. You can see how in the documentation.