Cannot save new or changed writer documents

When I try to save a new or changed writer document, the “Saving document” bar at the bottom of the screen starts filling in, but then stops. The little circle thing on the screen just keeps going around. Windows 7 Task Manager says “Program is not responding”. When I end the program in Task Manager, Windows 7 starts checking for a solution, but then that window just goes away.

Hrm - sounds like a memory issue. I found one of the first settings I needed to change to get LibreOffice to work was increasing the amount of memory it can access. It was really slow to load, save, etc., and would just bog down.

Tools → Options → LibreOffice → Memory

Increase your graphics cache to 250MB, 20MB per object. Decrease the number of steps for undo - 20 should be fine, and decrease the number of objects in the cache also to 20. I found the improvement performance and speed increased immediately.

Don’t forget to shut-down and restart LibreOffice (maybe the whole PC?) for these settings to take effect.

If that doesn’t work, look at your settings in: Tools → Options → Load/Save → General