Portable help?

Is there an offline help package available?

What is wrong with the offline help packages available from these locations?

If you need offline help to cooperate with a specific older version of LibO , go to
Index of /libreoffice/old (The “old” not meaning much).

Short is good. Too short may be too short: Do you want to be advised how to make offline help available to a LibreOffice expanded from a package in the PortableApps format? If so, please tell.

(Edited with respect to the contribution by @rrioja :slight_smile:
Concerning offline help for a LibreOffice expanded from a package in PortableApps format I provided this rather exhaustive guide. I also posted a link to it in my last contribution to this thread of the PortableApps support forum. Comments welcome!

Many of us use the portable version for security reasons. Therefore, by definition there will be no internet access. We really need the portable version of LibreOffice to include the help files. Is there any way to do this?